The Christmas Bird Count started in 1900, in an effort by one Frank Chapman to prevent the annual competition already in place, which involved teams going out and attempting to shoot the most birds and animals. Now, there are over 2 000 different counts across North America, all reporting to Bird Studies Canada. The data collected then goes towards a better understanding, and thus conservation, of the birds of the western hemisphere.
The Kids Christmas Bird Count started in Sonoma Valley, California. From there it has spread across the continent and there are now 50 across Canada and more in the States.
I have secured a room at Elevation Place for the event, and local places have kindly donated some refreshments.
It is sure to be a great time for the kids, and it teaches them about the world around them. In Canmore, we have been placed in one of the world’s most beautiful spots, with many beautiful creatures. This often means that the birds are overlooked in children’s education. This program, aimed at Kids aged 7 to 10, is meant to inspire interest and nurture knowledge of the avian realm.
Come out and join us on December 9th at Elevation Place, Canmore. We will start at 10:30 Am, and go until noon or so.
Last year, we had 13 people out to see Common Redpolls and a Bald Eagle through the snow. Come out and see what’s there this year – it could be Pine Grosbeaks, a Great-horned Owl or the quite beauty of a Three-toed Woodpecker as it creeps up a tree trunk.