Please Sponsor Me For The 2014 Baillie Birdathon!

The Baillie Birdathon is an event sponsored by Bird Studies Canada to research and conserve Canada’s birds. Their challenge is to identify as many birds as possible in a 24 hour period, and also to fundraise as much money as possible for Bird Studies Canada. You can choose any day (s) in May to do the Birdathon.

Last year, I counted from 4:00 pm on the 24th to 4:00 pm on the 25th, and saw 70 species. Here is a full list of what I saw: Baillie Birdathon Complete List. This year, I am hoping to beat the amount of species I saw last year, and raise more money. My goal last time was 300 Can$. I hope that this Birdathon will bring out many exciting results, and some interesting sightings.

If you are willing to support my fundraising, you may either donate a flat amount or you may specify an amount for each species seen.

As of today, I have $204 (offline donations  included). My goal is $400.

Thank you for donating those who already have, and if you haven’t, please support this good cause.

Some photos from last year:

Raven eating pigeon
This raven didn’t wait for the pigeon to die before tucking in!
Swainson's Thrush
Swainson’s Thrush, Inglewood.
Chipping Sparrow, shaking itself out after some tough rain.
American Wigeon
American Wigeon, with a Goldeneye coming into view.
The Canada Goose eggs were all over the island!
A pair of Blue-winged Teal.

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